Friday, January 13, 2012

JKKCC 2nd Water Baptism in 2011

This year 2012, as we continue the journey that God has called to undertake, believing that indeed, this is the year of the Lord's double portion of harvest, I am reminded of God's faithfulness last year.  As a testimony of His abiding presence and amazing love, fifteen (15) members of Jesus King of Kings Community Church (JKKCC) decided to follow the Lord Jesus through water baptism last November 30, 2011, in a private pool resort in Calamba, Laguna.  It is a wonderful ending to fruitful year in the ministry and at the same, a preview of what we can expect from the Lord for the coming year.  Indeed there will be more this year who will commit themselves to fully following Jesus for the harvest truly will be plentiful!  To God be all the glory indeed! 



Wednesday, January 11, 2012

YM 2012 Planning Retreat

2012 - The Year of The Lord's Double Portion of Harvest
By Joshua Benavidez

There's no other fitting way to end the planning part of our team's retreat than to serve one another.  We did just that, obeying the Lord's command, by washing each other's feet on the second night of our 3-day, 2-night stay at the Rizal Re-Creation Center in Rizal, Laguna.

Twenty of the twenty-six members of the Youth Mobilization went to that retreat center from January 5 to 7 for our annual Planning and Recreational Team Retreat.  The other six didn't make it because of various reasons such as conflict in schedule (for those of us who are studying), sickness, etc.

We arrived on the first day late in the afternoon just in time for dinner and then we spent the rest of the night to settle down after listening for a few minutes to the briefing and orientation I gave.  The planning part happened on the second day as each one listened again to their team leader for the general direction the team is heading, as what the Lord has impressed in my heart, for the year 2012.  

It has become a tradition for me to share what the Lord is putting in my heart.  I told them that if last year was "Walking on Water", then for 2012, it will be the year of experiencing the "Double portion of the Lord's Harvest".  I added that in 2011, the team experienced some difficulties and challenges, just like what Peter experienced - the wind and the wave, when he walked on water.  In spite of those challenges, the Lord has proven that we will still be able to pursue what He has called us to do because of His faithfulness.  

He was the one who carried us through - He provided for all our needs, both in the ministry and in our personal lives, in spite of losing some of our major donors.  Some of our team members also returned to their respective countries which resulted to having lesser manpower and yet, we still manage to do all of our ministry and we actually expanded many of our outreach ministries.  

2011 was also a year of sowing.  I remember telling my team not to be impatient but to wait for the Lord's right timing.  It's not easy to plant and to sow because you have to wait for the right time for the planted seeds to grow, mature and then bear fruit.  I encouraged each one to wait patiently because soon, the Lord's tome to harvest will come. 

Indeed, it shall come and as what the Lord has placed in my heart, we believe that this is that year.  This is the year we will see not just a harvest but a double portion of harvest.  I challenged my team to believe God for great things, just like what William Carey, the father of modern missions once said, "Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God!"

Coming from that morning session, the afternoon was spent in group meetings (each ministry team met to finalize their plans for 2012) and then each ministry presented their plans for 2012 with much excitement and expectation from the Lord.  That wonderful second day was culminated by washing each other's feet.

On our last day, Mackie, one of our training coordinators led the team building exercise in the morning and afterwards the team used the remaining time for swimming, sleeping and relaxing.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

More on the 2011 Christmas Parties

Batang Krayola Christmas Party 2011 Summary Report

Written by Kristofer Purificacion (Batang Krayola Ministry Leader)

John-John (the main character in the skit we used for the Gospel presentation), is just like many typical Filipino children who think that Christmas is only for the material things they can receive. That way of thinking changed, when we held our Christmas parties in different parts of the country starting on the first week of December.  Many children realized that Christmas is all about the love pf Jesus and because of that great love He brought salvation to all mankind.

We held a total of 10 parties for our partner churches’ street children’s ministry and more than 1100 kids attended, heard the Gospel and received gifts.  The very first parties were held in Metro Manila.  Two were held in Makati on December 3, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  Immediately the day after, our team went to Tiaong, Quezon (a three-hour drive from Manila) to hold our third Christmas party.

Then on December 7, another party was held in Caloocan, where our partner church ministers to children living near the former dumpsite popularly called “Smokey Mountain”.  Majority of our parties were held on December 10.  The team, early in the morning, went to Bataan and Olongapo to hold parties in four different areas, while our team leader, Joshua, stayed in Manila to join the IT Tender Christmas party.

The last one was held in Makati on December 17 when we combined the Day Care kids and our BK Street Children’s ministry for one big Christmas party.

We are thankful to the Lord that in spite of uncertainties we faced months before the actual parties, the Lord has proven once again that He loves the street children and He won’t let the parties  to be cancelled this year.  He provided for all the needs of the Christmas Parties which include the gift bags, food and other essential things. 

Each child received a gift bag that contains school supplies, hygiene products and materials, toys and a snack.  We are so thankful for all those who prayed, volunteered and gave so that we can hold all the parties.  We are thankful also to God for Extreme Response for the 1100 toys they gave and the funds they sent which helped us in a big way.  

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Christmas Parties 2011

Last December, we held a total of 10 Christmas parties for the street children through our church partners.  1100 kids received gifts last Christmas.  The first one was held last December 6 while the last one on December 17.  We are thankful to the Lord for all who prayed and supported these parties.  

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Best Christmas Ever!

Christmas 2011 was my 40th and I could say that it was my best ever.  The Lord indeed has been good to me, my family and ministry in 2011 and He reserved the best for the last.  Christmas has never been this good!  Around our table on Christmas Eve, there sat 12, instead of the usual 4.  Aside from Anne, Lois and Josiah, my mom also came for Noche Buena - a Filipino tradition where family members come together at 12 midnight on Christmas Eve to eat the traditional Christmas meal.  Nikko, who wants to be called Elisha, our unofficial adopted son, joined us as well.  To complete the cast, 6 Aetas joined us, the kids we adopted just for Christmas.

Noche Buena with Elisha, my mom and our 6 Aeta kids

We first met these kids 6 years ago when we first started a ministry in a mountain in Morong, Bataan, working among Aetas.  Cynthia, the eldest, was just 10 years old then.  A few years after, one of their siblings, Ishmael, the only boy, became the “darling of the YM team” because of his sweetness and his unique ability to get our attention and to make us laugh.  He loves to dance and possesses some funny antics that you won't suspect would come from a two year old boy.  Now he's six.

The life of an Aeta is plain and simple.  They don't have much - no electricity, no running water, and nothing of the things we enjoy and sometimes take for granted in the city.  But in spite of their situation, they are the happiest people in the world, at least that's what I have observed in the 6 years that I have served in their community.  They know how to have fun and every time I look at them I see a smile on their faces. They may not have many things, but for as long as they have their only treasure - their family, nothing beats the life of an Aeta.

Such is the life of Cynthia (16), Esperanza (14), Esmeralda (12), Ishmael (6), Mikey (4) and Marian (1).

Who would have known that in an instant, everything can change for the worse?  When we held our VBS last summer (May 2011) in their community, their father was sick and was confined in a hospital.  Two months after, he died of Tuberculosis. A sickness considered as non-fatal but because they don't have enough for his proper nutrition and medicine he died needlessly.  Four months later, barely a month before Christmas, their mother passed away.  Many suspect that she took her own life because of severe depression.

Now, these six kids suddenly were left on their own.

As for us, when we heard of the news, our Christmas schedule was already on its full swing.  It was our busiest Christmas ever.  Our schedule includes 10 Christmas parties for the street children, 4 reunions (family and former classmates), 4 church Christmas parties and activities, and many other events we usually do during the Christmas season which includes gift giving for street dwellers. 

Although we were so busy, we decided to take action for those kids.  We talked to the board of the church and unanimously, we agreed to adopt the 6 kids for Christmas.  Our family will keep them from December 23 to 28, while the church will alternate in bringing them to amusement parks, malls and play grounds.  We also agreed to buy them new clothes, shoes and groceries.

At SM Manila for their Christmas shopping

Help also came from so many people who knew them.  Adopting them this Christmas only became possible because of the unity and support of so many people who truly love and care for the Aetas.

The six days the six Aeta kids spent with us came so fast.  They have seen places they have never seen before.  Places they will surely talk for the rest of their lives.  They went home with new clothes, shoes and food supplies that will last for weeks. To top it all, they now have new hope for the future.  They are now assured of God's love through the many that showed love and gave their support. 

They still will face so many challenges but they will never forget what they have experienced last Christmas.  Just like when Jesus came two thousand years ago.  It was Earth's darkest hour, when hopelessness abounds, and then the Angels came to announce that the Savior was born.  Light, life and hope came. 

Now, we can see the same for the six Aetas.  There will be tough time ahead, but just like what they have experienced last Christmas, there will always be hope for them in Jesus.

Now I know why this is my best Christmas ever!