Wednesday, January 11, 2012

YM 2012 Planning Retreat

2012 - The Year of The Lord's Double Portion of Harvest
By Joshua Benavidez

There's no other fitting way to end the planning part of our team's retreat than to serve one another.  We did just that, obeying the Lord's command, by washing each other's feet on the second night of our 3-day, 2-night stay at the Rizal Re-Creation Center in Rizal, Laguna.

Twenty of the twenty-six members of the Youth Mobilization went to that retreat center from January 5 to 7 for our annual Planning and Recreational Team Retreat.  The other six didn't make it because of various reasons such as conflict in schedule (for those of us who are studying), sickness, etc.

We arrived on the first day late in the afternoon just in time for dinner and then we spent the rest of the night to settle down after listening for a few minutes to the briefing and orientation I gave.  The planning part happened on the second day as each one listened again to their team leader for the general direction the team is heading, as what the Lord has impressed in my heart, for the year 2012.  

It has become a tradition for me to share what the Lord is putting in my heart.  I told them that if last year was "Walking on Water", then for 2012, it will be the year of experiencing the "Double portion of the Lord's Harvest".  I added that in 2011, the team experienced some difficulties and challenges, just like what Peter experienced - the wind and the wave, when he walked on water.  In spite of those challenges, the Lord has proven that we will still be able to pursue what He has called us to do because of His faithfulness.  

He was the one who carried us through - He provided for all our needs, both in the ministry and in our personal lives, in spite of losing some of our major donors.  Some of our team members also returned to their respective countries which resulted to having lesser manpower and yet, we still manage to do all of our ministry and we actually expanded many of our outreach ministries.  

2011 was also a year of sowing.  I remember telling my team not to be impatient but to wait for the Lord's right timing.  It's not easy to plant and to sow because you have to wait for the right time for the planted seeds to grow, mature and then bear fruit.  I encouraged each one to wait patiently because soon, the Lord's tome to harvest will come. 

Indeed, it shall come and as what the Lord has placed in my heart, we believe that this is that year.  This is the year we will see not just a harvest but a double portion of harvest.  I challenged my team to believe God for great things, just like what William Carey, the father of modern missions once said, "Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God!"

Coming from that morning session, the afternoon was spent in group meetings (each ministry team met to finalize their plans for 2012) and then each ministry presented their plans for 2012 with much excitement and expectation from the Lord.  That wonderful second day was culminated by washing each other's feet.

On our last day, Mackie, one of our training coordinators led the team building exercise in the morning and afterwards the team used the remaining time for swimming, sleeping and relaxing.

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